Hello Beautiful Ladies & The Art of Niceology

My Dear Friend –  Suzanne Hoggan who owns the Waxing Gurus Salon in Murray and owner of CannaSmack wrote a darling book with her son called Niceology because Nice Matters. I wanted to share it with you because I believe it captures the spirit of the Hello Beautiful Ladies Mantra of how to treat others and live your life.

A – Appreciate Life because living large matters, B- Be Generous and Considerate because being charitable matters C- Care For Others and Celebrate Life  D-Delight in Others Success because, their success matters  E-Enjoy People because, everyone matters,  F – Friendship, nurture friendships  G- Give of your time. H – Hug someone today because affection and love is powerful,  I – I am wonderful and I deserve to be loved and loving yourself matters, J- Joyful remember to find joy in all things every day  have a playful spirit K- Kiss often L- Love much because love is all that matters,  M – Manners count so be polite and considerate, N-Now Matters, bein the now don’t worry about the past or the future, live now in the moment,  O – Open Your Heart. P- Play nice, be fair and honest  Q-Quest Happiness,  R – Remember to share, being unselfish is a virtue, be generous and give often, S- Smile your smile can brighten another’s day and spreading joy matters,  T – Thank someone, have gratitude, be thankful don’t complain,  U- Unconditional love and kindness because compassion matters,  V-Value all living things, be respectful and value others, W – Write someone a letter, a thank you note be thoughtful,  X- X-ray your actions because your behavior matters,  Y – You can and do make a difference and inspiring positive change matters, Z – Zest for life and niceness, be positive, be happy find joy in everything you do and everyone you meet and in every day you live.

Thank you, Suzanne, you are a wonderful friend and so professional, loving, kind, generous and giving. You are the epitome of Niceology. I hope all you Beautiful Ladies on the inside and out will share this blog.

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