Hello Beautiful Ladies – Sunday Sermon from The Church of Inner Beauty – Meditation a Spiritual Journey
What is Meditation? I believe it is a state of being in harmony with ourselves and the world around us. Meditation is a feeling of being at peace. You don’t always need to sit in a special position in a special room to meditate, although the proper conditions with soft healing background music can lead to a heightened experience while meditating. You may already have experienced being in a meditative state without realizing it. For example, I love Lake Powell, whenever I am there I revel in the beauty of nature and as I travel the lake on my paddleboard I am at one with nature in tune with the energy of the universe and I am experiencing a state of meditation and bliss. Being in a beautiful flower garden such as the
For example, I love Lake Powell, whenever I am there I revel in the beauty of nature and as I travel the lake on my paddleboard I am at one with nature in tune with the energy of the universe and I am experiencing a state of meditation and bliss. Being in a beautiful flower garden such as the Butchart Gardens in Canada or the Gardens of Thanksgiving Point, or at the waterfalls of Niagra of Iguazu Falls. These are meditative experiences. When you are at peace and in tune with the vibrations that surround you. When I listen to a beautiful piece of music the symphony orchestra I am meditating. Often we think the mind must be empty of thoughts to meditate and while that is true, thought will and can come to you in the quite and a stillness from your higher self. Meditation can be constructive not merely passive. For example, my greatest ideas and epiphanies come to me when I am in a meditative state, often before I go to sleep at night. Meditation is a training method to control thought processes. It is a time where we can build and create by directing our thoughts and energy
Often we think the mind must be empty of thoughts to meditate and while that is true, thought will and can come to you in the quite and a stillness from your higher self. Meditation can be constructive not merely passive. For example, my greatest ideas and epiphanies come to me when I am in a meditative state, often before I go to sleep at night. Meditation is a training method to control thought processes. It is a time where we can build and create by directing our thoughts and energy.
How often should you meditate: I would suggest daily, daily journaling is also essential. Try to set a time each day to meditate, it doesn’t have to be for 30. minutes each time it may only be for 5 minutes but it will allow you to clear your mind and set the tone for the day. The more you meditate the better you will become at it and the more you will enjoy it. Meditation can refresh you. I often like to meditate out in the sunshine where I can feel the warmth of the sun on my face or my back, fresh air is also very relaxing and uplifting. You can simply sit in a chair with your eyes closed, you don’t need to be in a special position, just be comfortable.
The benefits of meditation are well documented. We know the act of breathing deeply increases our oxygen intake which helps us relax and enable the body to work more efficiently. It slows down the heart rate and reduces stress.
Assignment: Take out a piece of lined paper and fill every space with positive affirmations about yourself, things like I am a good friend, I am responsible, I am honest, I have integrity, I work hard, I an giving and generous you get the idea. It may take you a week to fill up the page. Once it is completed, read it to yourself every night before you go to bed to give yourself the positive affirmations you deserve and then you can meditate on the good and positive in your life, this will help you sleep better and the positive affirmations will remain in your mind as you sleep and dream thus building your self-confidence and self-esteem.
More to come on Meditation and Relaxation in future Sunday Sermons from the Church of Inner Beauty.