Ask Andrea

Affirmations of a BITCH - Beautiful, Intelligent, Tenacious, Charming, Hottie Beautiful -  I am Beautiful inside and out. I am worthy of love. I love myself so therefore I can love others and accept them for who and what they are. My inner beauty radiates outward. I am genuine, loving, kind, caring thoughtful and gracious. When people give me a compliment I thank them.  I know that looks will fade and the only thing I can take with me in life are my memories of the time I shared with people, the love I gave the good deeds that I spread. I find self-worth in giving...
Celebrating the holidays without a loved one can be a challenge and can take some of the joy from a normally happy time. So, how do you honor their memory while still enjoying the holidays? When you lose a loved one you once celebrated with, the holidays can be a time of grief and sadness. Traditions you once treasured can be difficult to continue. While everyone grieves in different ways and on different timelines, it is possible to cope during the holidays — and perhaps even enjoy the time, though certainly in a different way than before. Keep in mind that it is difficult to...
“Do what you love and the rewards will come.”  Don't focus on the money but what you have to give, to offer to others, how can you help others, how will your idea, or business serve others. By serving others the rewards will come. The rewards don’t always come overnight, but they do come in divine timing. What is it that you’d like to do (or do more of) for a living? The most gratifying rewards are fulfillment and joy. Whether you are starting a business, transitioning out of a career, seeking that next promotion or job, answer these five questions to help you increase...
Let’s face it, all of us yearn for a sense of belonging and we would like to know that our presence in a group adds value. The nature and set up as small, selected groups of individuals with common goals gives Mastermind groups an air of exclusivity. You may be thinking,  if this is so exclusive, how can I as an average person join one? Luckily the Mastermind concept is gaining worldwide traction and with a bit of searching on the internet you will find groups for a wide variety of "specialties" - from shared business interests, professional development, personal and spiritual growth to such...
Successful Women Never Stop Learning There’s something in me that gets excited at the thought of learning new and fascinating information. Since you’re on my email list or read my blog, my guess is that you love learning, too.  The most successful women never stop learning. There are some key ways to direct your love of learning that can boost your ability to reach your goals and achieve the vision you have for your life.  Study and learn from your failures, view challenges as an opportunity, not a threat, they invest in their personal development, strive for constant and never-ending self-improvement.  Successful women study and learn...
Behind every successful woman is a tribe of other successful women who have her back. Who is your tribe? Who are the successful women in your life, who are your mentors, your idols?  Who are the visionaries that you admire? Study them, interview them, learn from them so you don't make the same mistakes. Who do you trust, who has your back, who is there for you when you are at your lowest? Who can you always count on? Who will truly be happy for you and your successes? They are your tribe so spend time nurturing and developing those relationships. Avoid jealous, gossipy, backbiting, small-minded...
Beautiful Ladies as you age are you finding that your hair is thinning out and becoming dull. Below are some tips to revitalize your hair HAIR GROWTH MYTHS Full and shiny hair is associated with beauty, appeal, and success. Hair improvement is subject to long-lasting myths. Whether you believe in these myths or not, they might affect your next purchase. Here are some common Hair Myths: MYTH #1: A HAIR VITAMIN WILL HELP YOU GROW NEW HAIR You get bald patches when your hair falls off and the hair follicles stop working. Depending on the reason—whether due to your genetics, some disease or stress—it could be...
It's a fact, the quality of the people you surround yourself with will have a profound effect on your life, your thinking, your business. What is your passion and purpose in life? Are the people you spend time with helping you achieve this? Your lifestyle will generally reflect the lifestyle of the people you have in your life. Here are some Success Strategies Tips from Hello Beautiful Ladies. What is a Mastermind Group and how can it help you achieve your goals?  A Masterminds group is the coordination of knowledge and effort of two or more people, who work toward a definite purpose, in the spirit...
It's summer and traveling season. Here are some tips to keep you safe and help you have a great time. for more information tune into my travel videos under the Video section of the website. While traveling is supposed to be a relaxing time, it can create stress and take a toll on your body. Ensure stress-free air travel on your next getaway with these tips for seniors: BOOKING YOUR TRIP When booking your trip, make any requests you may need, such as expedited boarding, extra legroom, wheelchair assistance, or onboard oxygen. Your airline can typically accommodate air travel requests from seniors if you give...
Sleep is necessary but annoying to me. If it wasn’t for sleep, I could get so much more accomplished. I could read more books to increase my knowledge. The average CEO reads 60 books a year.  How many books do you read a year? Knowledge is power. Powerful people have money. Weak people with no purpose look forward to sleep and are sad when it’s over. If you look forward to sleep because you can’t wait to hurry up and get it over with, to wake up and get back to work, then you are actively engaged in something you love and you are living a...


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