Ask Andrea

Andrea Swensen, CEO, and Founder of a website created to inspire women to enact change. Helping women break away from their past and reinvent themselves. Andrea shares her story on her website. It’ a story that is both exhilarating and motivating She’s fresh, exuberant, funny and completely passionate about helping women feel and look their best, and about reforming all of the misguided trends that have kept in women in painful situations whether it be marriages, careers, bad habits, breaking free from abuse, finding their purpose and their passion, you name it. Andrea is a certified personal life and business coach. She is here to...
Beautiful Ladies learn from my experience traveling abroad, packing and safety tips - watch my short 5 part series videos. The season for traveling is quickly approaching. When traveling abroad always arrive at the airport 3-4 hours early and leave plenty of time to get to the airport because you never know what the traffic conditions will be. There could be an accident, congestion, you name it. My recent trip home from Paris, France, I arrived at the airport 4 hours early, checked my bags and stood in the customs line for nearly 3 hours, then had to go through security and almost missed my...
Andrea Swensen, Certified Life Coach, Career Coach, Success Coach, Business Coach, Executive Coach, Performance Coach, Skills Coach, Wealth Coach, Group Coach. Contact me today.  I have a special offer for you. I am a certified coach. I have spent over 2000 hours coaching individuals and helping them achieve their personal, life, business, career and success goals.  With your purchase of 10 sessions coaching package, I’m offering you an additional session for FREE, a Hello Beautiful Ladies T-shirt and a FREE downloadable book and video of your choice from my website.  Go to the HBL website under the Breakover or Shop Tab and sign up for...
Sleepless Nights   -  Lets De-Stress our Lives Ugh went to bed at 11:00 pm and at 6:00 am its time to get up and do my workout and I'm still awake, haven't slept a wink. I don’t know if you are like me but the minute my head hits the pillow my brain starts racing a hundred miles an hour with all of the things I need to get done the next day and in the next week.  I can’t seem to shut off the flow of information pulsing through my brain. Well, I'm here to tell you that stress kills and is the...
What does that mean,  The BreakOver -  It’s quite simple really. It means breaking up or away from your past, or any habit or bad behavior, or getting out of a relationship, starting a new career, starting a new habit, setting goals.   Deciding who you want to be for the rest of your life. You were born with everything you need to be. All your talents, skills and abilities are within you already. Break free and allow yourself to reach your full potential. Be fearless and free. You were born with everything you need to be.  Which means everything you need to be happy, fulfilled,...
Go above and beyond the qualifications required for your job Today just meeting job qualifications is not enough. There are countless other individuals who can check the boxes next to each of the job requirements and perhaps even more. People who get raises and who are promoted offer something beyond what’s required. Prepare yourself for a raise or promotion by determining what you offer. Below are some traits to consider: Valuable – What does my value add to the team and the company? How do I go beyond what is required? For example, imagine that you are applying for a Business Development Director role. Do...
Are you one of those chronically late people? Are you always 10-15-20-30 minutes late everywhere you go?   Are you one of those people that everyone tells you the time and it’s 30 minutes to an hour earlier than everyone else they invite? Some people are always late. You probably know someone who just never shows up when you want them to, armed with an excuse when they finally appear 20 minutes later. Consider this, when you are late you inconvenience everyone who is waiting for you. Are you really that important and special that everyone should wait for you? If you are chronically late you...
Shop in your own closet – Bring new life to your wardrobe Reinvent, recreate mix and match and bring new life to old. Save money by reinventing your current clothing. No need to buy new when you can create new outfits by mixing and matching what you currently have and bringing new life to your wardrobe. I sat there and looked in my closet and said I have nothing to wear. Oh, wait I have loads to wear. I simply need to mix and match the outfits I already have. We all get tired of the same ol same ol.  Instead of spending money we...
Hello Beautiful Ladies - Please Join me this week on the following radio shows: I will be sharing tips about Valentines Day, how to make it special, how to share your love with the ones you love not only on Valentine's day but all year long. Valentines Day isn't just for Lovers it's for everyone to remember those we care about and those who have made a difference in our lives and to thank them. Tuesday - February 13  7:30 am - 7:45 am MST -  "KWAY" Breakfast Club   Waverly IA. with Host Matt Ryan Tuesday - February 13  10:00 - 10:15  am MST...
Do you ever procrastinate? Let me share with you what I perceive to be the 4 main reasons people procrastinate and how with a little help, you can overcome this habit. Here are 4 reasons why you may be wasting time and how to stop procrastinating: You procrastinate because you’re bored.  It’s a fact of life. You feel bored and not so thrilled about the work you must do. Work becomes routine and we end up just going through the motions. But how do you get around this? The first step is to recognize that you’re bored. Be conscious of your feelings, your falling energy...
Valentines Day isn't just for Lovers.  It's a day to express appreciation, gratitude, and love for all the individuals in your life whom you love and who bring you joy and make life better for you. Don't overlook children, family, friends, and people who are single or lonely along with others who have contributed to your life.  A  handwritten Thank you note is a great way to express your love and appreciation. Words from the heart are what mean the most and last forever. Long after gifts are forgotten our words and actions speak the loudest.  How do we treat those we love all year...
Every woman needs to be in control of their finances and retirement.  Do not leave these decisions up to your husband. What if he were to get in an accident and pass away. Would you know how to run the household, pay the bills? Do you have a separate savings and checking account? Do you have a life insurance policy? Does your husband, do you know who it is through? Do you know what your credit score Is your name on joint credit cards? Do you know who holds your mortgage and what your interest rate is?  Do you have a will and a trust?...
I talk a lot about taking time for yourself. Take time to not only relax and refuel but to discover who you are and why you’re here. This takes time. Sometimes a lot of time. It takes time to discover your purposes in life, to find your passion and to pursue it. In my own life, I travel, go on retreats, spend time with my friends, and choose to work pretty much full time. Many would say I’m selfish – many, in fact, DO.  I hear this comment a lot from women and mothers. I would feel selfish if I took time to relax and...
Hello Beautiful Ladies - please join me Tuesday morning at 9:05 MST where I will be doing a live interview with the WOCA "Ocala Live" radio station out of Florida to discuss the website and "The BreakOver" Are you waiting for your life to begin? Do you tell yourself, when this happens I will do that?  When that happens I will do this?  Do you feel stymied, stagnant and stuck? Well, I’m here to tell you, the planets will not align so that you can take your first step?  If you want it go for it.  Don’t take no for answer, do what others tell...
WHY DO WE STILL BURNOUT! The term “Burnout” was first used in the 1970s by psychologist Herbert Freudenberger. Dr. Freudenberger studied overworked healthcare professionals who were “burning out”. He found that these healthcare workers were working too long, not taking time off and were suffering as a result. This caused an array of symptoms such as headaches and body pains, insomnia and a variety of other physical troubles. This lack of balance in their lives leads to a withdrawal from family, friends and social life. The burnout sufferers became cynical, hopeless, helpless and depressed. Many also became addicted to drugs and alcohol in an effort...
Let's get real for a moment. We all put on a good face and a good show for the world. We want everyone to think our lives are perfect but in reality, no one has a perfect life and if we think we do we are fooling ourselves. Let's get real. We all post the best of ourselves on Facebook. It's a fallacy, it's phony and fake. Why do we feel the need to make our lives look perfect and like we never have any problems or challenges? Because the reality is that life is hard and we need each other to survive. You know, it...
Happy New Year - Now that 2018 has arrived, we are full of excitement and energy about what this New Year will bring. Making resolutions to improve and better our lives are always a key part of each new year. However, how long do these resolutions really last 3 months?  Why is that? My theory is that we make our resolutions unrealistic and unattainable.   These 5 Tips for Success will help you stay on track and reach your goals. #1 Start Small:  Take baby steps and celebrate each small victory, that way it is easier to maintain, stay on track and achieve long-term success.  Having checkpoints...
Stop Trying to be Perfect and you will find more joy and satisfaction in your life Who says you have to be perfect? Your religion? Your friends? your family? Stop Whoa Hang on, Wait a minute .. exactly who are you trying to impress.  No one has to be perfect and no one is. The one thing I know for sure is that everyone has something they are dealing with in their lives and while it may seem all rosy and perfect on the outside it ain't so hunky dory on the inside.  So cut yourself some slack, ease up, take a chill pill and relax. You will...
People gravitate to individuals who are genuinely nice and caring, people who are authentic. Here are 5 tips on how to be nicer in 2018. Avoid Criticism & Gossip: Steer clear of judging or complaining about others. It creates a negative environment in the workplace, at home, with friends, acquaintances, and family.  Give People the benefit of doubt. Look past faults and seek out their positive qualities and focus on those. Even if they don't treat you nicely, kill them with kindness and don't gossip about them.  If you gossip and trash others, then your listeners will always wonder what you are saying about them...
  You’re Invited Please join me for a Champagne Brunch Open House from 11-2 on Sunday, January 14th. Now that 2018 is here, it’s time to update and revitalized the HBL website, products, services, books, and features. Please come and share your thoughts and creative ideas with me. Ring in the New Year with a glass of Champagne and provide me with valuable feedback about how to improve my website, what kind of content are you looking for? What would you be interested in reading about, products, topics, advice, and input are welcome.                        ...
HBL Focus Group Event What is the Focus Group about?  It's about Constant and Never Ending Improvement. Help me help you? That’s right. Help me help you.  What content would you like to see on the website?  What content would you like ASK ANDREA to cover in her blogs. Basically What Floats Your Boat! How can I improve HBL to make it better and more helpful for you?  You are my audience, my customers, my friends, my supporters and my beautiful ladies on the inside and out. You make this possible. And my goal is to provide you with the best content, resources,  and advice...
  HBL Focus Group Event What is the Focus Group about?  It's about Constant and Never Ending Improvement. Help me help you? That’s right, Help me help you.  What content would you like to see on the website?  What content would you like ASK ANDREA to cover in her blogs. Basically What Floats Your Boat! How can I improve HBL to make it better and more helpful for you?  You are my audience, my customers, my friends, my supporters and my beautiful ladies on the inside and out. You make this possible. And my goal is to provide you with the best content, resources,  and...
Feeling Blue today? Maybe your new outfit has a stain that the cleaners cannot get out, the heal broke off your Jimmy Choos (that hurts!), you can’t find the perfect Prada bag to go with your new Christian Dior Jeans? Maybe you found out you have to find a new apartment because yours is being sold as a condo, or your pace of employment just announced a reorganization which clearly means you might be out of a job? Maybe all of these in the same week!  Possibly you are down because you have put on a few extra pounds with all the halloween candy that...
How do you feel when you look in the mirror? Is your focus on the activity at hand i.e. shaving, plucking, brushing, perfecting? Or do you actually take the time to look at the reflection looking back at you?  Can you look into their eyes and into their soul, into your eyes, into your soul?  It is amazing how little time we spend really looking at, speaking and communing with the person in the mirror.  If you are wondering who I am talking about, I am talking about the being who dwells inside the body you occupy.  We have conversations about our lives with, brothers,...
Its here, the morning on my 60th birthday... at 1:24 pm the universal clock will strike... It has been an interesting journey the past few months as it has approached. After a heavy medical evaluation, it was suggested that I might not be around more than a couple of more years and certainly not to 60. That was 15 years ago... and here I am. Marching to my own drum seems to have served me a little in this case. in addition to not thinking I would live this long, my somewhat customary life has seen many changes over the passing months. Changes that have...
Getting real with one's self requires a great deal of personal strength,  commitment along with a willingness to be wrong about how you have defined yourself and your life to date.  Getting real takes honesty, sometimes brutal honesty.  Being honest with yourself requires opening yourself up to our most intimate and vulnerable thoughts and fears that we carry deep within the hidden vaults of our mind, body, and soul.  Let's face it, being vulnerable sometimes equals pain and pain is often linked to our grief.  It is no wonder that we avoid this portion of our path and keep in locked up tight.  And yet...
Part of creating an abundant life filled with personal success, joy, love, and freedom is knowing who we are and being able to embrace every aspect of our full being.  When I say full being,  I mean all of what makes us the unique, quirky, happy, sad, wonderful, crazy, horrible and delightful creatures that we are.  This is not an easy accomplishment, nor one that happens overnight.  This requires we wake up and begin acknowledging the details of what makes up our whole being, that we begin to uncover our blind spots.   These details are most often kept tucked away in the dark recesses...
Someone recently  ASKED ANDREA - What do you do when someone disparages or impunes your character, attacks you, undermines you,  is mean and malicious and spreads lies and rumors about you?  Good question. First, let me recommend a book to you called "What You think of Me is None of My Business" By Terry-Cole Whittaker.  When people judge or criticize others, they are usually coming from a place of insecurity, jealousy, self-hate and self-loathing.  I recommend that you first, ask yourself "is this a credible source? Is there any truth to the statements?  Take some time to contemplate the information, process it and determine how you...
Wine & Wellness Brunch  - Hello, all of you Beautiful Ladies. Have you ever heard the term CANEI?  Well,  it stands for Constant and Never Ending Improvement. If we aren't continually striving to improve, grow and learn then we are moving backward.   That is why I am hosting a Wine & Wellness Brunch on December 3rd. Look for the event on FB. Hello Beautiful Ladies is all about mind, body & spiritual wellness and empowerment. All of the these must be in sync in order for us to be empowered & reach our potential. Sheila Benson, Health, Wellness & Nutrition Coach will be attending...
Hello Beautiful Ladies - Jan Mabey, Guest Blogger, sharing with you from Mexico today.  I finally closed up shop in Utah for the Winter and traveled to Manzanillo Mexico where I’ve settled into my space for the next few months. Upon landing I had but a few days to unpack and organize before I set off for a few days adventure to experience Dia de los Muertos or Day of the Dead. Countless communities in Mexico celebrate Day of the Dead in their own traditional way. The big difference is the styles and customs that differ by region depending on the region’s predominant pre-Hispanic culture....
  Consequences are a key element of boundaries. When we’ve asked someone not to come onto our property, what happens? You probably don’t open your front door, welcome them in and offer them something to drink. And if you do, well, we’ll work on that! 

Ideally, you want to have a structure in place that protects your property. And that’s how consequences play a role in setting boundaries. “If and Then” statements promote the freedom of choice for both individuals. If someone decides to interfere with your boundaries, then you can make a decision about what to do next. (See what I did there?) Here are...
Image & Influence – Dress for Success   It’s All About Attitude - Download our Free Ebook, Videos & Workbooks for information on how to get ahead in the workplace. How to be stylish and still professional. Did you know that “Attractive” women earn about 20%  more than “average-looking” people? So putting on makeup could mean pocketing a bigger paycheck? Women who wear makeup are reportedly considered more competent than those who don’t, however, wearing cosmetics in the workplace is a balancing act women are tasked with having to appear competent but not “unprofessional.” In other words, don’t go overboard. Simply apply make-up professionally to enhance your...
Loving Your Pets Health Coach Welcome to Tips for Fall/Winter!! Thank you all for a great summer! It was certainly a hot one and we are ready to jump into fall. I don't know about you, but it’s our favorite time of year. Leaves changing, cooler temps, less crowded trails, and not to mention the rattlesnakes go into hiding!:) In the dog hiking world, we have two seasons. Winter season, and burr season: The burrs seem to be extra bad this year, so we try to avoid the spots where we think they are. If we find that the burr bushes attacked them, we will...
  Hello Beautiful Ladies. One of my bloggers ASKED ANDREA  if there was anything she could do to help so that when she went out drinking she wouldn’t get tipsy so fast. So here are some rules to remember if you know you are going out for a night on the town. The key is fluids, drink a glass of water for every drink of alcohol. Hydrate and Hydrate. No salty foods, French fries, Sushi, spicy, popcorn, or peanuts, these foods all dehydrate you. Salads don't fuel the body you must eat protein because it slows down the rise of your blood alcohol level. Stay...
Hello Beautiful Ladies. I recently had a blogger ask me about investing for retirement. If you check out the Free Money Management Guides and the IRAs & Self Directed Pensions  Videos, Ebooks, & Workbooks on the Website. you will find some excellent information to guide you through the process of investing and managing your money.   Below are a few tips to get you started. First - Please check out the FREE Money Making & Investment Guides, Videos, Ebooks and workbooks on our site to assist you with managing and investing your money. Don’t be afraid to“Take Charge” of your investments and retirement accounts....
  A recent blogger ASKED ANDREA  how to achieve Peak Performance and how to be more productive - T.S. Eliot said:  "If you aren’t in over your head, how do you know how tall you are?” The very act of stepping outside of your comfort zone is imperative to achieving success and well-being. Performance peaks when we’re well out of our comfort zone. If you’re too comfortable your performance suffers from inaction, however, if you move too far outside of your comfort zone you meltdown from stress. Peak performance and discomfort go hand in hand. Stepping outside of your comfort zone makes you better.  It’s the...
Welcome to your Sunday Sermon from “The Church of Inner Beauty” sponsored by Look for these Sermons each Sunday right here at the Ask Andrea Blog on the Hello Beautiful Ladies Website. Today’s Topic – Believe in yourself and live your life with purpose You can do anything, you can overcome any obstacle in your path, you are strong enough, good enough, smart enough and capable.  Believe in yourself, your intuition, your power. If you do this and keep an open mind and positive attitude then doors will open for you. You will find your path your way will become clear to you.  Where...
Hello Beautiful Ladies Welcome to our online book club. Check out the reading list under the Motivational Books section on the website.  Don't forget to join us as we blog each month about the Book of the Month and share our thoughts and journeys about how the book has inspired us or contributed to our lives. Please feel free to share books with us that have inspired you and tell us why and if we select your book for the monthly review you will receive a free Hello Beautiful Ladies Tee Shirt. Watch for the call-in number so you can join the conversation as...
ASK ANDREA -  I had a blogger recently ask me about Professionalism in the workplace. So here is a list of 13 things to ensure you are being Professional in the workplace. For more information check out the   FREE downloadable Ebook, Videos and Workbook on Image & Influence and Dress for Success. The idea of what’s “professional” has changed over the years. Email and social media have made communication more casual, and in most industries, what you wear to work probably looks quite different from how employees dressed for similar jobs 30 years ago. But some habits and styles never look good -- so if you want to...
Are you a Self-Confident Woman?  Are you Strong and Self Assured?   There are many ways you can spot a self-confident woman because they stand out in a crowd and they stand apart from the crowd. Strong Women Exude Natural Confidence A self-assured woman possesses a   natural sense of confidence and it is this sense of confidence that causes people to follow her everywhere that she goes.  It’s what makes her an inspiration to others and a natural born leader. Her confidence is well-earned and because she is comfortable with herself she doesn’t feel the need for bravado or cockiness, she is not self-affected she...
My Dear Friend -  Suzanne Hoggan who owns the Waxing Gurus Salon in Murray and owner of CannaSmack wrote a darling book with her son called Niceology because Nice Matters. I wanted to share it with you because I believe it captures the spirit of the Hello Beautiful Ladies Mantra of how to treat others and live your life. A - Appreciate Life because living large matters, B- Be Generous and Considerate because being charitable matters C- Care For Others and Celebrate Life  D-Delight in Others Success because, their success matters  E-Enjoy People because, everyone matters,  F - Friendship, nurture friendships  G- Give of your...
WHAT IS INTUITION?   Every Individual was born with 6 extraordinary Powers – Imagination, memory, will, reason, perception, and intuition.  Intuition is that still small voice, gut instinct, a prompting, an inner voice, an internal guidance system, a thought put in your head. It could be as simple as don’t park here, take this street, grab an umbrella, pack a coat, or I was just thinking of you when you called. Einstein – The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift. The gift of Intuition...
I recently had a blogger ASK ANDREA about the benefits of Yoga. Pam Burggraf  - Yoga Instructor and Guest Blogger answers the question WHY Yoga? The mental and Health Aspects of doing Yoga.   Watch for flyers and discount coupons in the VIP Gift Bag at the Launch Party on November 1st.  Pam has also donated 10 Yoga sessions for the Silent Auction. Yoga is a mind-body exercise effective for reducing stress, anxiety, and depression and improving brain function and mental health.Yoga is the practice of poses and breathing techniques designed to strengthen and balance the body and the mind. Even though yoga is not aerobic,...
  ASK ANDREA Shares  Tips for  Affordable Halloween Costumes.  costumes from your closet. If you aren't yet ready for Halloween parties then I suggest creating one from your own closet. Look at the amazing costumes I created from my wardrobe. I won't have to spend a dime this year by simply wearing these costumes and I can wear a different costume to each event.   Take a look at these great costumes I created from items I found in my closet, I swapped with friends, items I borrowed from friends, shared with family & neighbors,      ♠ Host a Costume Swap Party.  Invite all...
I found this wonderful poem, Author Unknown but I thought it would be wonderful to share for the Sunday Sermon. I sat in meditation, and what came to mind, was a sudden epiphany, that felt so divine? As I got in touch with myself, my story, my body, my soul, I asked myself the question, If I could choose but one focus and just one goal, What would be? And how would it be achieved? How to be S.M.A.R.T., And I laid out the following for the course I must chart. I sat in meditation, and what came to mind, was a sudden epiphany, that felt...
Are you interested in losing weight or toning up? Do you desire improved strength, posture, and flexibility? Are you in post-surgery recovery or diagnosed with a medical condition (diabetes, heart disease, stress- sensitive conditions) that can be helped through physical fitness? If you answered, " yes " to any of these questions, then contact Sheila Benson experienced, and AFAA certified personal trainer. Sheila assists clients of all ages to reach their fitness goals. Sheila holds certifications in Nutritional Fundamentals, first aid, and CPR. Sheila effectively engages her clients to achieve their fitness goals through her enthusiastic and client-centered approach. Sheila is technically skilled, personable and...
I recently had a blogger AskAndrea  - How do I develop a Professional Reputation and be an individual whom people respect? Available FREE to you on the Website under Shop, Life Map and the BreakOver tabs. you can download for FREE the Video and Workbook/Ebook on Image & InFluence. TIPS ON BUILDING A PROFESSIONAL REPUTATION 1. Assemble your own personal board of directors & mentors. I suggest four or five whom you respect for advice and whose opinions you trust.  2. Start a proof of worth file--New skills, your job descriptions, your own personal assets liabilities file, this can be used when asking for...
Women BeWare  - You've heard of the gender gap in pay? According to Redfin, Seattle, the gap occurs in equity building, too. A new Redfin report ( said for every dollar of home equity single men earned over five years, single women earned just 92 cents. Redfin examined nearly 200,000 home sales in 18 large metros in 2012, of which nearly 40 percent were purchased by single women. On those home purchases, women earned a median $171,313 of home equity over five years, compared to $186,403 of equity earned by men--a difference of $15,090 or 8.1 percent. New Orleans was the only metro where women...


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