Ask Andrea

Why Become a Published Author? 8 Reasons why It’s important to have a published book if you are a business owner? Having a book to share sets you apart from the competition Being an Author gives you credibility - Authors have as much credibility as physicians The book becomes your business card People take you seriously You are invited to be a speaker and get paid for sharing your knowledge and experience, which in turn gives you more exposure and brings customers to your business You are perceived as an expert in your field A book can help launch your business as an emerging Entrepreneur...
Master the Interview – The Art of Interviewing In order to get the interview, you must have a powerful resume. I suggest hiring a professional resume writer who can create several resumes fouling on your various skill sets, you can use and adapt for several positions Some companies allow you to have a personal photo on the resume and others do not, be sure you know what their expectations are.  Keep your resume short, a maximum of two pages.  I always like to include verbiage from the actual job description. Often times the interviewers are looking for key words to ensure you are a fit for...
Is Procrastination Keeping you from Success? Get off the Lazy Train Is procrastination getting in the way of yourself, your business and your success? We procrastinate things we don’t enjoy. We procrastinate because we are fearful. Let me share with you what I perceive to be the main reasons people procrastinate, and how you can overcome this habit. 4 Reasons Why You May Be Procrastinating: You Procrastinate Because You're Bored, You Don't Love What You Do, and the Task Is an Unpleasant One. It’s a fact of life. You feel bored and unenthused about the work do. Work becomes routine. We go through the motions....
Build Your Tribe of Woman Behind Every Successful Woman is herself and her Tribe of Other Successful Women who have her back Do we support other women, friends, family, or co-workers, in their journey towards success, or are we jealous and malicious and seek to tear them down?  Do we gossip or belittle them and strive to impugn their character? Or do we look for the good and seek out ways we can support and promote them in their journey? Do we celebrate their success with them? Are we a part of a sisterhood tribe?  Who is your tribe? Who are the successful women in your...
Be Fearless and Fabulous The past is a lesson, not a life sentence “Fears are nothing more than a state of mind” -Napoleon Hill “Fear comes from uncertainty, when we are absolutely certain of our worth we are impervious to fear”. William Congreve “Everything you want is on the other side of fear”. Tony Robbins Take out a sheet of paper: Write down what fear means to you? What are you afraid of?  Go deep inside yourself for some introspection to determine the source of your fear.  Is it someone or an incident from your past that made you feel insecure? Was it a past...
The Art of Effective Communication Communication and active listening are the key to success in business and relationships. Asking questions and engaging in active listening will provide you with all the information you need to know in a relationships or about your customer and their WIIFIT – What’s in it for Them. The more effectively you learn to communicate the higher your rate of sales closure and success will be.   Before you pick up the phone to make that call or meet with a customer ask yourself these questions and have the answers prepared and practiced.   WHAT DO I WANT TO HAPPEN AS...
Beautiful Ladies - there is a saying, “The quality of your life is a function of the quality of questions you ask yourself.” Great life and business coaches know how to ask you the type of questions that evoke the kind of answers that elevate the quality of your life. Coaches work with you over a set period of time to make sure you follow through on your commitments and that you are accountable for your life, your business, and your actions. What is the No. 1 reason to hire a coach?  Because you learn how to create a life you desire and realize actual results....
You Don’t Need to Be Superwoman  Perfection – Get Over it Why is it we feel the need to be superwoman, be all things to everyone. Perhaps it’s our culture, it’s the way we were raised, the religious beliefs, the societal norms that now must be broken and changed in this new ERA of the Empowered Woman. There is no need to prove ourselves to others in order to be of value and worth. There is no need to work ourselves to death, slaving away constantly to please others, so that we can feel loved and worthwhile.  Let’s start pleasing ourselves, it’s okay to be...
Message from Andrea Swensen – CEO & Founder of and the ASK ANDREA blog During this Holiday Season, let us all be mindful of the Spirit of the Season. Mindful of our blessings and show love and charity to all especially those less fortunate. May I challenge you to take out a piece of paper and fill it full of all the blessing you have in your life.  Post this on your mirror so that you see it each morning so you may have gratitude in your heart each day for all that is good and great in your life. Give yourself a gift...
Today on this day of Thanksgiving, I would like to share my thanks and gratitude for the many wonderful individuals who helped make Hello Beautiful Ladies a reality.  A big thanks to my guest bloggers who share their expertise to expand our horizons and thanks to all those who posed for the Beautiful Photos on my site. On this day of Thanksgiving, I challenge all of you to fill a page full of the things and people whom you are grateful for in your life. The secret to Gratitude is to practice every day looking for things to be grateful for especially when you have...
Affirmations of a BITCH - Beautiful, Intelligent, Tenacious, Charming, Hottie Beautiful -  I am Beautiful inside and out. I am worthy of love. I love myself so therefore I can love others and accept them for who and what they are. My inner beauty radiates outward. I am genuine, loving, kind, caring thoughtful and gracious. When people give me a compliment I thank them.  I know that looks will fade and the only thing I can take with me in life are my memories of the time I shared with people, the love I gave the good deeds that I spread. I find self-worth in giving...
Celebrating the holidays without a loved one can be a challenge and can take some of the joy from a normally happy time. So, how do you honor their memory while still enjoying the holidays? When you lose a loved one you once celebrated with, the holidays can be a time of grief and sadness. Traditions you once treasured can be difficult to continue. While everyone grieves in different ways and on different timelines, it is possible to cope during the holidays — and perhaps even enjoy the time, though certainly in a different way than before. Keep in mind that it is difficult to...
“Do what you love and the rewards will come.”  Don't focus on the money but what you have to give, to offer to others, how can you help others, how will your idea, or business serve others. By serving others the rewards will come. The rewards don’t always come overnight, but they do come in divine timing. What is it that you’d like to do (or do more of) for a living? The most gratifying rewards are fulfillment and joy. Whether you are starting a business, transitioning out of a career, seeking that next promotion or job, answer these five questions to help you increase...
Let’s face it, all of us yearn for a sense of belonging and we would like to know that our presence in a group adds value. The nature and set up as small, selected groups of individuals with common goals gives Mastermind groups an air of exclusivity. You may be thinking,  if this is so exclusive, how can I as an average person join one? Luckily the Mastermind concept is gaining worldwide traction and with a bit of searching on the internet you will find groups for a wide variety of "specialties" - from shared business interests, professional development, personal and spiritual growth to such...
Successful Women Never Stop Learning There’s something in me that gets excited at the thought of learning new and fascinating information. Since you’re on my email list or read my blog, my guess is that you love learning, too.  The most successful women never stop learning. There are some key ways to direct your love of learning that can boost your ability to reach your goals and achieve the vision you have for your life.  Study and learn from your failures, view challenges as an opportunity, not a threat, they invest in their personal development, strive for constant and never-ending self-improvement.  Successful women study and learn...
Behind every successful woman is a tribe of other successful women who have her back. Who is your tribe? Who are the successful women in your life, who are your mentors, your idols?  Who are the visionaries that you admire? Study them, interview them, learn from them so you don't make the same mistakes. Who do you trust, who has your back, who is there for you when you are at your lowest? Who can you always count on? Who will truly be happy for you and your successes? They are your tribe so spend time nurturing and developing those relationships. Avoid jealous, gossipy, backbiting, small-minded...
Beautiful Ladies as you age are you finding that your hair is thinning out and becoming dull. Below are some tips to revitalize your hair HAIR GROWTH MYTHS Full and shiny hair is associated with beauty, appeal, and success. Hair improvement is subject to long-lasting myths. Whether you believe in these myths or not, they might affect your next purchase. Here are some common Hair Myths: MYTH #1: A HAIR VITAMIN WILL HELP YOU GROW NEW HAIR You get bald patches when your hair falls off and the hair follicles stop working. Depending on the reason—whether due to your genetics, some disease or stress—it could be...
It's a fact, the quality of the people you surround yourself with will have a profound effect on your life, your thinking, your business. What is your passion and purpose in life? Are the people you spend time with helping you achieve this? Your lifestyle will generally reflect the lifestyle of the people you have in your life. Here are some Success Strategies Tips from Hello Beautiful Ladies. What is a Mastermind Group and how can it help you achieve your goals?  A Masterminds group is the coordination of knowledge and effort of two or more people, who work toward a definite purpose, in the spirit...
It's summer and traveling season. Here are some tips to keep you safe and help you have a great time. for more information tune into my travel videos under the Video section of the website. While traveling is supposed to be a relaxing time, it can create stress and take a toll on your body. Ensure stress-free air travel on your next getaway with these tips for seniors: BOOKING YOUR TRIP When booking your trip, make any requests you may need, such as expedited boarding, extra legroom, wheelchair assistance, or onboard oxygen. Your airline can typically accommodate air travel requests from seniors if you give...
Sleep is necessary but annoying to me. If it wasn’t for sleep, I could get so much more accomplished. I could read more books to increase my knowledge. The average CEO reads 60 books a year.  How many books do you read a year? Knowledge is power. Powerful people have money. Weak people with no purpose look forward to sleep and are sad when it’s over. If you look forward to sleep because you can’t wait to hurry up and get it over with, to wake up and get back to work, then you are actively engaged in something you love and you are living a...
Do you have what it take to stay sharp and continually reinvent yourself and your business? Life and business coaching is a unique service designed to help ambitious achievers meet the outcomes that will bring them success and fulfillment. Coaches focus on results and actions. The client’s goals are measurable with key performance indicators and specific outcomes. The right LifeMap or business Coach can help you reach and even exceed your wildest dreams and goals. A Coach offer guidance by: Clarifying and achieving personal and professional goals Creating business plans Working to improve communication skills Achieving financial independence and security Achieving a work/life balance Starting...
You are more than enough. You are everything you need to be. You were born with everything you need to be, every skill, every talent, every idea, is already within you.  You need only ignite the flame.   For years Andrea Swensen has traveled around the world speaking to audiences from 50 to 5,000 asking the participants if they ever felt they were meant to be more than they are or achieve more than they have accomplished thus far. More than 75% of the audience raises their hands which is why I wrote "The Breakover" Turning Adversity into Success to be launched in September. In...
Is Your TV Babysitting Your Children? Do you want to be more successful in life, get more accomplished, be more productive? Then turn off the TV. The average adult, by the age of 65, will have spent nine years watching TV. Children watch an average of 27 hours of TV a week. By age 18, the American child has spent more time watching TV than time in school, shocking isn't it. These same rules for television apply to video games and cell phone interaction. The average CEO reads 60 books a year. How many do you read? I read a book a week. The way...
Beautiful Ladies, are you stuck in Busyville, so busy running around doing this and that like a chicken with your head cut off that you don’t have time to stop and smell the roses, enjoy the moment, enjoy life? It’s time to get out of Busyville and start being productive. Just because you’re busy, doesn’t mean your productive. Our world is very noisy. Full of distractions and chasing the next shiny object. Our ability to focus and concentrate is key to being productive. Allotting a certain amount of time to each task and sticking to it will help you not waste time or get distracted. Distractions...
Beautiful Ladies - Do you have a Narcissist in your life?  Narcissists have NO empathy, compassion or feelings for anyone but themselves. Have you ever had someone say something so upsetting to you that you found yourself ticking off a list of counterarguments to dispute their assertions? You obsess on what you should have said. You get sucked into rehashing the conversation, ruminating about similar, past incidents, and chatting up a storm about it with your BFF. This person pushes your buttons and you must figure out just the right thing to say or do to deal with them? the problem is when dealing with narcissists, bullies, guilt-trippers,...
  Tips for finding the balance between working and parenting Stick to a schedule. Be clear about events on your calendar that cannot be missed. Share these events with work, spouse and children to ensure are you all on the same page. Make school events and your children's extracurricular a priority. Carve out bonding time. Find time every week to do something special with your children, whether one-on-one or with all of them together.   Participate in carpools which allow you to interact with your children and their friends, plan library or playground visits that allow you to enjoy a fun time together. Nurture as needed. If...
Journey to India – All Ladies League & Women’s Economic Forum I’m extremely honored to have been nominated to participate in this amazing organization and be a part of Team USA. The All Ladies League and Women’s Economic Forum provide a platform for collaboration, networking, growth, and opportunities for women around the globe. I was fortunate to receive the “Iconic Woman of the Year” award for my work with the website a site for the empowerment of women around the world. All Ladies League (ALL) created by Dr. Harbeen Arora. ALL is an ingenious organization, a unique global network, and international women’s chamber organization....
Beautiful Ladies Stop Waiting on the When Beautiful Ladies - Are you waiting for your life to begin? Do you tell yourself, when this happens I will do that?  When that happens I will do this?  Do you feel stymied, stagnant and stuck? Well, I’m here to tell you, the planets will not align so that you can take your first step?  If you want it,  go for it.  Don’t take no for answer, do what others tell you, you cannot, and fake It till you make it. Stop waiting for the perfect life and start creating a life you love. If you really want something,...
Does Dressing for Success Really Work? Perception is Everything Dress for the job you want not the job you have, if you are looking to be promoted.  Research what the acceptable attire is for your line of work or the industry you are in. You want to be able to set a tone and establish yourself as a promotable, a leader.  Wear appropriate attire at all times. Look at what the higher level management in the company is wearing and emulate their manner and style of dress. has a FREE downloadable guide called Image and Influence that can help you create a wardrobe that...
The Purpose of Pets in our Lives Thank you to all my followers and friends who supported me during the loss of my beloved best friend Marlewy my Dog. I am at peace with the belief that she is now happy, having fun eating her favorite foods and onto her next journey.Pets teach us kindness and compassion. They love unconditionally. Pets are a beloved member of the family. This past weekend the love of my life, my baby Marley a Soft Coated Wheaton Terrier, went to doggie heaven to play with her pals.I grieve her loss yet celebrate her life and the love and companionship...
Hello Beautiful Ladies, do you want to learn the secrets to creating even more success in your life and business? Stay tuned as I share information from amazing and successful women from around the globe during my experience at the Women's Economic Forum in India April 24-May 1st.  I will be posting excerpts from the speaker's forums, sharing videos and advice from successful businesswomen from around the globe.  Learn how to take your business to the next level, find inner peace and satisfaction, accomplish your goals and make your dreams come true. I am honored to be one of the speakers at this forum and to...
Anais Nin once wrote, “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage”.  Seven ways to overcome fear which may be keeping you stuck and holding you back. Shine the light on your fear. Pinpoint the fear that’s plaguing you the most, hold it up to the light of your awareness. Ask yourself honestly: Is this thought really true? Can I know for sure? Is there another way of looking at this? What would the highest version of me say about this? Remember, the word thought is not synonymous with the word truth. Your thoughts are not necessarily true.  Your true self is the ever-present observer who watches...
  When it comes to what people think of you, it’s been said that “bad is stronger than good.” In a given day, if you hear ninety-nine compliments and one criticism, you know which one will be running through your head as you try to fall asleep that night. It’s normal to care what people think—most of us care deeply what the people we love, and respect think of us. It’s hard-wired. You want to be able to hear constructive criticism from people who matter to you while filtering out the gossips, mudslingers, and jealous jerks.  Tip #1: Specify who you’re worried about. Our brains...
Hello Beautiful Ladies, please join me as I journey to Dehli India April 25- May 1st, to present at the Women's Economic Forum. A forum created to inspire women globally, to help them create success through finding their passion and purpose in life. I will be speaking on various topics such as "How Helping Others Helps Ourselves"  "How to Adopt a Holistic Mindset", " How to Find Passion and Purpose in Your Life" and "How to Create Success Doing Something You Love" You'll definitely want to follow my journey and interviews with amazing and inspiring women from around the world. Watch for updates and posts...
Part of the stress we have in life comes from the people we encounter and must deal with on a daily basis. When we think about those individuals, we may try to create scenarios in our heads for how we may or may not converse with them. We send ourselves into a tailspin of anxiety because we feel unequipped, and we fear the unknown. This, in turn, brings up a good point: reacting vs. responding. What’s the difference and which one helps us? Simply put, reacting means we’ve lost control of the situation and have given up our freedom to choose, but when we respond, we...
Pets teach us kindness and compassion. They love unconditionally. Pets are a beloved member of the family. This past weekend the love of my life, my baby Marley a Soft Coated Wheaton Terrier, went to doggie heaven to play with her pals. To once again be vibrant, alive, strong. Marley could run like the wind. She loved to play fetch. She loved hiking in the mountains with her pet coach and dog walkers, Aimee Madsen, Marianna Wilson and Trisha Anderson I grieve her loss yet celebrate her life and the love and companionship she gave me. Each time I walked in the door she would jump...
Hello Beautiful Ladies, I'm so excited to announce that I will be speaking at the upcoming International Women's Economic Forum  (WEF) in India  April 25th -April 30th. What is this forum about?  It's a unique vision to connect women across the globe to strengthen and inspire every woman to become a businesswoman.  To help them achieve even more success in their life and career.   The Ladies League incorporates an ALL-encompassing vision to seamlessly connect women from all strata of society, from all spheres of work including industry. Our ALL-inclusive way of working is a decentralized, distributed leadership model wherein every member is  fully empowered to...
You are uniquely you.  Dr. Seuss said, "Why fit in when you were born to stand out"?  I love my perfect imperfections. I love myself for who and what I am. I was born with everything I need to be.  When we don’t love ourselves, we don't feel worthy of love and we don't allow ourselves to be loved by others When we don’t love and accept ourselves fully, we can’t ever have a great relationship or a happy life. We can’t expect others to make us happy or fulfill us. We can only do that for ourselves. This makes us stronger, independent and self-reliant....
Tips for How to Stress Less and Avoid Burnout The term “Burnout” was first used in the 1970s by psychologist Herbert Freudenberger. Dr. Freudenberger who studied overworked professionals who were “burning out”. He found that these healthcare workers were working too long, not taking time off and were suffering as a result. This caused an array of symptoms such as headaches and body pains, insomnia and a variety of other physical troubles. This lack of balance in their lives leads to a withdrawal from family, friends and social life.     The burnout sufferers became cynical, hopeless, helpless and depressed. Many also became addicted to...
I have this sign on my refrigerator, bathroom mirror, and phone to remind me that it is okay to say NO. Every time you say NO, you are really saying YES to something else you would prefer doing. Saying NO is a challenge for most people. Why is it so hard to tell someone NO?  Is it because we feel guilty or like we are letting someone down? Or is it because we feel like we need to be Superwoman all the time?  People want to be liked by everyone so often we take on more than we can handle. If we could say no...
TRUE FRIENDS ARE HARD TO FIND, DIFFICULT TO LEAVE AND IMPOSSIBLE TO FORGET. I recently had to move on from several girlfriends who were in my life. Reality is they weren't really girlfriends after all. NO, in fact, they were users,  takers, jealous, and the relationship was really one-sided, I was always giving, listening, helping and supporting, the relationship was not reciprocal.  They were jealous of my success,  but they didn't understand the hard work and effort it took for me to become successful. When I ended the relationship, they turned vindictive, manipulative, hurtful and tried the guilt trip on me. Fortunately, I am a...
  Are you a people pleaser?  Well, it's time to Stop and Start taking care of yourself. It's Okay to say NO. You don't have to feel guilty anymore for saying no. I give you permission to say no. Say no to friends, family, co-workers, volunteering, religious responsibilities and more. Your number one responsibility is to yourself and your family. Be true to yourself. Take care of yourself first or you will never be able to give and share with others.  Feed and fuel your self and your soul first. You don't have to be superwoman anymore.  You don't have to please others.  Print out this...
What is Meditation?  I believe it is a state of being in harmony with ourselves and the world around us. Meditation is a feeling of being at peace. You don't always need to sit in a special position in a special room to meditate, although the proper conditions with soft healing background music can lead to a heightened experience while meditating. You may already have experienced being in a meditative state without realizing it.  For example, I love Lake Powell, whenever I am there I revel in the beauty of nature and as I travel the lake on my paddleboard I am at one with nature...
Money problems (at their root) are always mindset problems. The greatest financial obstacle we face is our lack of awareness of the mind/body/spirit connection to our bank accounts, something almost none of us has ever really been taught. Instead, we absorbed lack consciousness and upper limiting beliefs, unknowingly holding them as truths, even though they are a form of unconscious self-sabotage. We tighten ourselves up emotionally and physically... and this drastically constricts the possibility that the money we so eagerly want and need can flow to us. Once you begin to shift your mindset, however, your entire experience with money begins to change. Rather than...
Trade Your Expectations for Appreciation and Your Life Will Change “I’m not in this world to live up to your expectations and you’re not in this world to live up to mine.” ―Bruce Lee People never act or respond the way we want them to, expect them to, or think they should. We expect people to behave the way we behave, that’s simply unrealistic and if we continue down that path we will constantly be disappointed. If you have no expectations, then you will be pleasantly surprised at the outcomes.  No one wants to be a clone or Mini Me of someone else.  Expect and...
Believe in yourself and live your life with purpose and meaning You can do anything, you can overcome any obstacle in your path, you are strong enough, good enough, smart enough and capable.  Believe in yourself, your intuition, your power. If you do this and keep an open mind and positive attitude then doors will open for you. You will find your path your way will become clear to you.  Where there’s a will there’s a way. You have the answers inside you to every question you have. Determination gets results, persistence counts, and your attitude matters.  You can make a difference, positive or negative...
Behind Every Successful Woman is a Tribe of Other Successful Women who have her back The Hello Beautiful Ladies Website is all about empowering women, promoting women, helping women be successful, helping women in distress out of bad environments, encouraging personal growth, promoting sisterhood, guiding women towards their purpose,  and encouraging independence.  If you believe in this cause, I invite you to like the Facebook page, to follow the Facebook page and most importantly to share the Facebook page with other women who can use the FREE  information on the site to empower themselves and create change in their lives.     The BreakOver is...


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